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Gayle Van Horn is a native of San Antonio, Texas. In 1977, while living in Memphis, Tennessee, she logged and verified her first shortwave radio station. She currently holds a Technician class amateur radio license W4GVH. Over the last 36 years, she has logged thousands of shortwave stations, and had verified over 230 countries.

Her radio hobby writing career began in 1986, when Larry Miller, editor of World Radio Report, asked her to write the Broadcast Logs column for that publication. In August 1988, she began her first QSL Report column for Monitoring Times magazine, and continued her logging column as well.

In April 1993, she was promoted to the Frequency Manager's position for Monitoring Times, and was in charge of the reorganization of the English language Shortwave Guide. This resulted in being voted the most popular section in Monitoring Times, by reader surveys.

In August 2009, she expanded the Shortwave Guide to include a worldwide multilingual listing in M.T.'s electronic version MT Xpress, which extended to December 2013. She continues to cover the shortwave scene in her blog Shortwave Central and on Twitter.

She is the author of World QSL Book, and International Call sign Handbook-1st edition, published by Grove Enterprises in 1992, co-authored International Call sign Handbook-2nd edition, with Larry Van Horn, published by Teak Publishing. She was a regular features writer for Monitoring Times, covering a wide variety of radio-related topics.

Gayle specializes in shortwave tropical band and clandestine DXing, and enjoys monitoring local scanner activity.

Now residing in the peaceful mountains of western North Carolina, with her husband, Gayle continues to write prolifically on various radio and non-radio topics. When not basking in the 'radio-realm', she is active as a Public Relations and Media Chairperson for the Daughters of the American Revolution, and recently qualified as a Field Genealogist and a Genealogy Consultant, and chapter blogmaster. She is also a DNA group administrator at Family Tree DNA company, and operates two genealogy family history blogs.

She also actively pursues her passion for photography, focusing on landscapes and macro photography. She proudly supports the University of Texas Longhorn football and Atlanta Braves baseball. She is also the CEO/business manager and co-founder of Teak Publishing company.

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